A Smoothie Moment

Cold season is underway and in attempt to thwart any germs that are flying around, I've been amping up the vitamin efforts with a morning smoothie.  Inspired by smoothie recipes found on The Food Network, but limited by my local grocers stock, I came up with this Pomegranate Cherry Smoothie.  Jam-packed with powerful antioxidants and antiseptic ingredients, this smoothie is as good for you as it is delicious!

Pomegranate-Cherry Smoothie

- 1/2 cup of cherries

-1/4 cup of raspberries

- 2 teaspoons of Coconut Oil (adds a hint of sweetness, plus a ton of health benefits!)

-1 tablespoon of Honey

-1/4 cup of Pomegranate Juice

-1/2 -1 cup water

*A heaping scoop of powered greens for an extra boost.

Mix on high until smooth (and to pulverize those raspberry seeds!). Enjoy!


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Friday Finds

I'm not a huge New Year resolution fan, too much pressure!  However, I do think the New Year is a great time to hit the refresh button and reflect on the past year and gear up for the one ahead.  Here a few things that I'm hoping to incorporate into my routine.

- A Mini Detox - I love Gywneth and am a huge fan of her healthy, yet mindful recipes.  Here is her detox-how-to.  While I'm not going all in (a girl needs her coffee), I definitely plan on peppering a few of her dishes into my weekly mix.  It's all about balance!

- De-clutter - With all that holiday cheer often comes some holiday clutter.  After we pack away all our ornaments and attempt to vacuum up all the pine needles (Fact: This is impossible), I want to go through and reorganize our cabinets, drawers, and closets and do a nice healthy purge.  Check these out for home inspiration.  I'm obsessed with this one and this one.

- Read More Hard News- I'm absolutely guilty of skimming over the harsh global news in flavor of the lighter pieces.  I'm going to make an effort to read a few more world happening pieces.

-Get More Involved - For Real.  Putting yourself out there, whether volunteering or just trying a new class, is hard.  I'm determined to be better at this.  First up, this class.  

-Run a 5k - To be totally transparent here, I'm not a runner.  Don't like it, don't really do it.  Ever.  But I think local races are so fun to watch; it's such a high just being a part of it!  After watching my mom participate in a few triathlons (she's incredible!), I thought it would be fun to do a 5K, my gateway drug to active living.  I've rallied my brother and Mr. C to also join to make it a family affair (and help me not back out).  Here goes nothing!

Cheers to a happy and healthy 2015!


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