Snow Day Essentials

If you're on the East Coast, chances are you were working from home today due to the weather aka Blizzard2015.  Check out these Snow Day Essentials for keeping warm in style.

1.  Moscow Mule Set - Perfect for a wintery cocktail post-working hours.  Love the copper details. 

2. Cozy Footwear - I'm obsessed with these ballet-flat inspired slippers.  (Can't find the link now, so let me know if you know where I can direct!)

3. Inspired Scents - Love, love, love Lafco candles!  This one combines sea mist, bergamot, cucumber and jasmine. 

4. Chunky Knit Throws - We always have one on-hand - the bigger, the cozier, the better!

Stay warm!


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Friday Finds

I'm not a huge New Year resolution fan, too much pressure!  However, I do think the New Year is a great time to hit the refresh button and reflect on the past year and gear up for the one ahead.  Here a few things that I'm hoping to incorporate into my routine.

- A Mini Detox - I love Gywneth and am a huge fan of her healthy, yet mindful recipes.  Here is her detox-how-to.  While I'm not going all in (a girl needs her coffee), I definitely plan on peppering a few of her dishes into my weekly mix.  It's all about balance!

- De-clutter - With all that holiday cheer often comes some holiday clutter.  After we pack away all our ornaments and attempt to vacuum up all the pine needles (Fact: This is impossible), I want to go through and reorganize our cabinets, drawers, and closets and do a nice healthy purge.  Check these out for home inspiration.  I'm obsessed with this one and this one.

- Read More Hard News- I'm absolutely guilty of skimming over the harsh global news in flavor of the lighter pieces.  I'm going to make an effort to read a few more world happening pieces.

-Get More Involved - For Real.  Putting yourself out there, whether volunteering or just trying a new class, is hard.  I'm determined to be better at this.  First up, this class.  

-Run a 5k - To be totally transparent here, I'm not a runner.  Don't like it, don't really do it.  Ever.  But I think local races are so fun to watch; it's such a high just being a part of it!  After watching my mom participate in a few triathlons (she's incredible!), I thought it would be fun to do a 5K, my gateway drug to active living.  I've rallied my brother and Mr. C to also join to make it a family affair (and help me not back out).  Here goes nothing!

Cheers to a happy and healthy 2015!


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