Finer Design Details: Shiplap

As we delve further and further into our house hunt, I'm dreaming of decor...big time.  And while I'm still defining my style, one thing is for sure, there will be shiplap in my future.  Shiplap is a type of board most commonly used in outdoor buildings thanks to it's ability to form a tight seal against the elements.  However, when added to the interior of a space, it instantly gives it a polished, yet informal feel that I can't resist.  It's a bit coastal, bit farmhouse and 100% chic.  Here are a few shots that are inspiring me:


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Friday Finds

This week has positively flown by!  It's starting to actually feel like spring, and I'm thrilled to finally put away (for real this time!) my winter coat.  Here is what I've been obsessed with this week:

- Pound Cakes are arguably the little black dress of the cake world.  Dress them up with strawberries and heavy cream or go purist and plain.  Ether way they are delicious every-single-time.   Check this out for more ways to style this culinary classic.  I'm drooling over this one!

- One of my good friends recently purchased her first home, and I'm dying to see it!  I love the idea of giving more than just a standard bottle of wine or flowers.  This housewarming gift is perfection.  

- T Magazine is always a pleasure to read, and this recent story from the Men's Fashion issue by Andrew O'Hagan was so well-written, so on-point, so everything, I had to read it aloud to Mr. C., who wholeheartedly concurred.  Everything Mr. O'Hagan writes is pure pleasure.

- I've always appreciated a good hat, but thus far, my wear has been limited to the beach and the slopes.  I'm lusting after this one and dreaming of all the places I could wear it.  

-Just discovered this gorgeous instagram account, and it's making me want all grey everything.  

Happy Weekend!


Mask Monday

Today was such a Monday.  Spring still seems miles away and after a crazy day filled with rude strangers, a jelly bean binge, late night conference calls and a house-hunting standstill, I was ready for some relaxation.  And a face mask was just the thing.   Today's weapon of choice, Philosphy's Purity Made Simple Deep Clean Mask.

 Promising a spa-like glow in 60 seconds, I was intrigued. It was just the sort of time commitment I could afford.  According to the directions, you are to massage a bit into clean, dry skin and then wash it off when the formula transitions from clear to white. True to it's promise, the creamy formula glides on, without any hint of exfoliation beads. It gave my ultra-sensitive skin a slight tingle (which I'm chocking up to it's deep cleaning powers) and then removed effortlessly.  It left my skin clean and fresh without being stripped and was the perfect base for applying my night serums.  I love that it is gentle enough that it can be used daily, and I can definitely see this mask working it's way into the rotation!

Have you tried it yet? 


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Farmhouse Fresh

I wouldn't ever say that my style is country, Southern belle, sure, but never country.  When I think country, I envision barnyard animals and kitch, but lately I've been having a major fixation with farmhouse style (probably because I've been binge-watch the show I mentioned here), especially in the kitchen.  White, glass-paned cabinets, shiplap everything and the shining glory of a farmhouse kitchen, big farmhouse sinks.  Literally cannot. get. enough.  And since my apartment has a stainless steel number, I'll continue dreaming of these beauties:

Image Source: 1/2/3/4/5/6


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Spring Showers

Every once in a while I love a nice rainy day.  It forces you inside and under the covers and is the perfect excuse get cozy and lazy.  Today's soft drizzle is effectively removing the last bits of snow and has me dreaming of spring.  Each season Mr. C and I create a list of sights we'd like to see, date spots we'd like to try, and things we'd like to do.  Here are just a few things that I'm looking forward to once spring officially gets going:

Image Source: MIMI+MEG

Image Source: MIMI+MEG

- Picnics.  I'm slightly obsessed with picnics, and this past Christmas I got the best picnic basket ever!  (Similar one here)  I'm so excited to head to Central Park or upstate with this beauty in tote.

- Baking inspiration.  I'm always on the hunt for a new recipe, and I try to create a few "Food Goals" for things I might be intimidated to try.  Currently topping the list - croissants,  these biscuits, and soft pretzels.  Bring on the gluten!

- Tennis - I haven't played, or even attempted to play, in years, but I'd love to pick up a racket again.  

-Polo Match - I've been dying to go to the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic forever.  Hopefully we can get tickets this year.  I have my hat all ready to go.

-Spring Sites - Living in an apartment, I'm a bit starved for flowers.  I'd love to get my floral fix at The Orchid Show

What's on your Spring to-do list?


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